• Acceptance of paper Fully integrated Current Mode Class-D (CMCD) power amplifier with improved PAE, F.Zafar , A.R Qureshi , H.R Khan , Q. Wahab , 12th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference June 22- 25, 2014, Trois-Rivieres, Canada.

  • Acceptance of paper Analysis and Modeling of Cost Effective Novel Structure of a Transmission Line for RFIC Designs, A.R Qureshi , H.R Khan , Q. Wahab , IEEE International Conference on Microwave Magnetics 2014, 29th June-2nd July, Sendai, Japan.

  • Acceptance of paper PWM with differential Class-E amplifier for efficiency enhancement at back-off power levels, A.R Qureshi , H.R Khan , Q. Wahab , IEEE 57th International Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, Texas, USA, August 3-6, 2014.